In aceasta zi a vietii tale, draga prietene, cred ca Dumnezeu vrea ca tu sa stii ...
... ca ceea ce e bun in viata ta nu vine la tine,
ci de la altcineva. Cand intelegi acest lucru, vei fi liber.
Nu exista nici un motiv si nici o nevoie de a "canta in struna" cuiva,
sau de a incerca sa ramai in gratiile lor. Ramai in gratia ta, netradandu-te pe tine insuti.
Rosteste-ti, pur si simplu, adevarul,
cu blandete și dragoste.
Si ai curaj, pentru ca ceea ce cauti nu este in afara
ta. Nu este un dar de la o alta persoana. Este al tau - pentru a
da, nu a agonisi. Prin urmare, nu lasa pe nimeni sa te tina ostatic. Nici partenerul tau, niciseful tau, nici familia ta ...
și, cu siguranta, nu Dumnezeul tau.
Chiar acum, tu stii exact de ce ai primit acest
mesaj, astazi.
Cu drag, Prietenul Tau,
On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the goodness in your life does not come to you from someone else. When you see this, you will be free.
There is no reason and no need to "play up" to another,
or to try to remain in their good graces. Remain in your
own, by not betraying yourself. Simply speak your truth,
with gentleness and love.
And have courage, for what you seek is not outside of
you. It is not a gift from another person. It is yours -- to
give, not to acquire. Let no one, therefore, hold you
hostage. Not your partner, not your boss, not your
family...and certainly not your God.
You know right now exactly why you received this
message today.
Love, Your Friend....
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