duminică, 30 septembrie 2012

Despre SIDA - O perspectiva Pleiadiana

Q: Do the Pleiadians have AIDS? Are they creating AIDS?

Very good question! We were telling you a little earlier that the environment that the Pleiadians were birthed out of was an environment of the repression of negativity. 

In ancient Pleiadian history there was a period of time when they were repressing so much negativity that it had to bleed out in other directions. They could no lon 

ger hold that well of negativity within them. What they manifested were diseases very similar to your AIDS disease.

So what they learned from that is that when they are not being true to themselves, when they are not channeling both positive and negative into their lives and using it for growth, when they are denying and repressing, it causes dysfunction or disease in their society. 

So back then they did have some disease, yes. It was entirely a product of what they were repressing.
Deci partea de ascundere sub pres, de a reprima, este adanc imprimata in noi, fiindca suntem copiii Pleiadienilor la nivel genetic, avem cam aceleasi probleme ca si parintii.
Cuvintele sunt ale lui Shasha, o femeie din Pleiade. E foarte tare ca daca ii spui cuiva de istorie galactica probabil ar zice "Ce-i asta". Si totusi este important fiindca noi repetam tipare adanc inradacinate si nu stim de ce se intampla asa. Oamenii sunt blind la orice ii face sa isi vada limitarile, dar nu-i nici o problema, este o motivatie in plus sa actionez mai intens. daca ar fi rezolvata problema reprimarii, probabil ca n-ar mai avea sens sa scriu aceste cuvinte. Asadar brothers si sisters enjoy.

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